For those living without a hearing impairment, there is sometimes wonder and curiosity as to how those who are deaf live their everyday home life. How do deaf people “hear” the noise of mundane home life, such as the doorbell or when the telephone rings. The term “deaf” does not define one type of hearing impairment and therefore one way of living. Depending on the person and their individual circumstances, there are varying circumstances as to how they live their lives and what works for them specifically. Often, hearing children, parents or spouses will try and alter and negotiate their home with the aim of improving their home on behalf of their loved ones. Here at We Buy Any House we have compiled a simple and brief guide on how to make your home deaf-friendly.
Changing the Colour Scheme:
By changing the lighting and colour scheme in your house, this could make it significantly easier for those with hearing impairments to evaluate space- therefore making daily tasks easier. Most people with hearing impairments have expressed how having soft lighting promotes easy visibility, while also reducing glare- which ultimately reduces eyestrain. Additionally, loud patterns and bright colours throughout the house may implicate a deaf person’s ability to communicate using sign language, as bold colours and patterns are considered distracting.
Open Floor Plans:
Having open plan floor space throughout your home can aid those who are hearing impaired around the house as it enables them to see facial expressions and gestures of those they wish to communicate with easier. By having unnecessary walls and separations throughout the house, it essentially cuts off any communication in the house unless people are in the same room. Thankfully, throughout modern homes, open plan spaces are becoming increasingly popular.
Sound-Dampening Technology:
For those with hearing loss who rely on technology to hear, background noises can be a nuisance when trying to hear, as they can create unwanted distractions. For those who don’t suffer with hearing impairment, windows are a great escape to the outside world, however, for those with hearing impairments, they allow noise into the house. An effective way to reduce this is to invest in dual panel windows and heavy curtains to cut back on disruptive noises.
Vibrating and Flashing Alarms:
Things such as telephone calls, the doorbell and alarms are all things we hate to hear (especially in the morning) …but what would we do if hearing them wasn’t an option. Luckily, technology has provided us with ways to get around this. People who suffer from hearing loss use other alternatives such as:
- Having phones on vibrate with a flashing light if they receive a phone call or text.
- Vibrating alarms which can rest under pillows so that you can wake up in the morning promptly.
- A doorbell that is connected to a flashing light somewhere throughout the main area of the house.
Wider Hallways:
Wider hallways are a popular feature for those with hearing impairments who are looking to accommodate their house to their needs. The majority of deaf people will either sign or read the lips of those they are communicating with while having a conversation. The smaller and narrower the hallways are, the more the space prevents people from being able to walk side by side and communicate. By installing wider hallways, people can make their home more accessible, and this realistic modification can also help people who live in the home from bumping into each other.
This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.