How long do hair building fibers last? The answer depends on the kind of fiber you choose. If you select the High-Performance type, the threads do not smudge and are resistant to wind. Kerathik fibers, on the other hand, are made of keratin protein and will not react to humidity. The best way to choose which fiber is suitable for you depends on your hair type and budget.
High-Performance fibers are resistant to wind:
Using a scanning microscope, researchers have been able to study the density and distribution of the hair fibers and the resistance of the strands to the wind. This new research is a boon for those who suffer from thinning hair, whether due to genetics, stress, or aging. Hair building fibers can conceal the appearance of thinning hair and create the illusion of thicker tresses.
High-Performance fibers do not smudge:
High-performance hair building fiber does not smear, move, or sweat, allowing you to leave your style intact for longer. Unlike ordinary hair fibers, these fibers do not smudge or transfer and will not rub off on clothing or pillows. They are ideal for summer weather because they retain their natural appearance, even in direct sunlight. These fibers also do not change color with humidity.
Kerathik fibers are made of keratin protein:
All-natural, keratin-based hair fibers provide a thick and luxurious look and feel. Toppik Hair Building Fibers are made of natural keratin and solid magnetic charge, clinging to the tiniest existing hairs. They also resist sweat and rain, allowing them to stay in your hair until the next shampoo. And the best part? They last as long as your natural hair!
The keratin biopolymer has an a-helix conformation with hydrogen bonding between the amide hydrogen and carbonyl oxygen. Three amino acids are present between the peptide groups, each with its role to play in the keratin fibers’ mechanical properties. A keratin fiber’s x-ray pattern contains reflections, interpreted as the representation of larger molecular assemblies. The keratin fiber has at least 20 different side groups. The protein contains the unique sulfur-containing amino acid cystine, accounting for about 12% of the fiber’s structure. Several coiled coils are embedded in an amorphous matrix, making the threadable to absorb high moisture levels.
Kerathik fibers do not act with humidity:
Kerathik hair building fibers do not react with humidity. These fibers are synthetically created using keratin protein. They come in a powder or spray form and are applied to the hair shaft to increase fullness and conceal underlying skin. These fibers act as camouflage agents and do not react with humidity. They are also color-safe and can be matched to your natural hair color.
How to Prevent Hair Fibers from Coming off on Pillow:
Wet hair can create friction between the pillowcase fibers and the hair, leading to breakage. Additionally, cotton pillowcases absorb oil, making hair brittle and prone to breakage. These effects can cause hair to look thinner. Fortunately, a few simple changes to the way you sleep can help you prevent breakage. Here are some tips to keep hair from rubbing against the pillowcase:
While hair fibers may seem bad for your hair, they are harmless. They may contain chemicals or artificial colors that can cause allergic reactions. You can sleep with them on your pillow, and they may even help your hair grow. So, why don’t you try it? And, what’s the downside? There is a solution: a hair concealer pillowcase. You can get a pillowcase made of hair fibers instead of synthetic hair.